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Solène Getenet, a great pianiste from France

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Solène Getenet, a young but already great French pianist.There are so many pianists present on the scene, and yet…
Solène Getenet, the daughter of artist and more particularly of a great pianist and teacher, performs as very few can.
She excels at interpreting slow pieces, due to a great sensitivity as well as very complex pieces, which gives her a significant advantage over the performers of classical music.
You are invited to listen to some of her interpretations on her personal website :
One can say that, going through pages of Schumann, Beethoven, Brahms and other outstanding composers, this pianist turns out to be just excellent, gives of her best and each time displays a technique appropriate to the various styles.
Her young age is an advantage as she is at the moment just at the beginning of an indubitably long career. She is not recognised at her true value in Italy yet, although she is a member of the PLM (, which is a group of artists, most of whom are Italian, whose vocation is to perform for people in need of moral support or to give concerts to raise funds for needy people.
However the fact that she belongs to the association can be a good way to introduce her to Italians. Anyway, she is already popular at home through various articles and interviews. Last year for instance, she answered a beautiful interview in which she spoke about the reasons why she decided to play so often for charities and her action within the Da Capo association whose double aim is to help young talented musicians at the beginning of their careers and young persons with motor disabilities.

Solène started studying the piano and the cello at a very young age, and a winner of national and international contests, gave concerts in different places like Belgium, Martinique, Reunion Island, Tahiti and China…much to the delight of her audience in spite of her young age.

The strong points of this pianist are first of all her modesty and her ability to adjust to any repertories; she is brilliant as a solo performer, in concerts with orchestras as well as in the greater intimacy of chamber music. It’s a rare advantage to be so eclectic.

Some time ago, she answered our questions about her experience of performing with an orchestra.

Marco Esu : 1995 was very important for you: at the time you gave your first concert with an orchestra.Which particular emotions do musicians experience playing with an orchestra ?

S.Getenet : 1995 was particularly important as it was the first time I had played in “ the major league” Actually, I recorded a part of a record which was a creation and played for the first time with an orchestra in in famous theatre in Paris.It might sound like an anecdote but I will always remember the first rehearsal of the Mendelsson concerto that I performed the same year.The score was in D minor and when the cymbals came on stage, I was so impressed that I came close to being paralysed.
Talking of the particular emotions that one experiences when one plays with an orchestra, I must say that they are numerous and varied. I must say that things are very different according to whether the orchestra is professional or non-professional, or composed of senior students. The orchestra is supposed to be a kind of chameleon, and therefore play differently according to the artist they are supposed to accompany.
The same concerto, accompanied by the same orchestra, will once be enthusiastic and unbridled and another time it will be more straightforward, more measured and steady , depending on the personality of the soloist.But now and again, the orchestra is not at its best and the roles are reversed. It is the up to the soloist to make up for the deficiencies of the orchestra, even if he has to skip a few bars to save the situation.
In all cases, it is a tremendous opportunity for rich exchanges that start as early as the first rehearsal and finishes with a meal in common during which friendly bonds are born with some members of the orchestra.
Her talent is not recognised within our group only, but already by many masters or journalists . The notes speak for themselves under her fingers and, in this day and age, we admire the artists who go on preserving the secrets and the patience necessary to fight and keep classical music alive in our culture.
When she was hardly fitfteen years old , some journalists like Michel Cattelain already wrote : “ A lot of confidence in her technique, a lot of sensitivity in her phrasing that remind of a Martha Argerich at the beginning of her career.We can feel that she is cut to be a pianist gifted with strong determination.”Here is another part of the interview dear to the heart of Marco Esu:

Marco Esu : Why is playing for humanitarian causes so important for you ?

Solène Getenet : It’s true that many of my concerts have a humanitarian dimension; for instance I recently went on a tour with an orchestra in Belgium for children suffering from cancer and in December, I gave a recital for our traditional Téléthon. The first concert of the kind was a concert with orchestra for Emmanuelle who was a child then…She was 11, and I was just one year older. Emmanuelle suffers from a very rare disease that hits her joints: arthrogryposis. Her two arms, feet, hips and legs were operated on. And yet she will never be able to walk or wash her face. Her devoted parents aren’t very well-off. Through major advertising, we managed to raise enough funds to offer her a new electric wheelchair and bring a little happiness to this child whose life had been mainly filled with suffering.
Manu has grown up, and the little girl that was once withdrawn into herself has become a young girl very much at one with herself and turned towards the others in spite opf her handicap. It is essential for me to help disadvantaged people with “my” music in two ways : first, by raising funds to help the unlucky and secondly by “ bringing” music to people who otherwise would never have had the opportunity to get acquainted with it.
All ears are the same, whether in large or small rooms, whether people are expert music-lovers or not.
Playing for people who have no prejudices, for outcasts who would have never come to a concert because of their isolation is an extremely enriching experience.
I have in mind the old people’s homes, the hospitals, the prisons for example. You can sometimes feel you’re bringing their inmates a ray of sunshine; emotions are genuine, audiences are free from any prejudices. The reception is exceptional. People really appreciate and a smile from them is priceless.These words speak for themselves; After reading them once, you understand that Soléne doesn’t only have a perfect command of music, but she is generous enough to turn her attention to social problems that are often ignored in our selfish world.

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