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 Between many years of collaboration between me and the BP Records ( from USA/Australia, we did some album, this season of the 2021s, we decided to add another album, it's A SOFT INTERPRETATION OF THE MIND.  All is around guitar and voice on easy listening and country style, so different from some of my album and so relaxing style, near to country and around the interpretation of very nice songs.  We and I, we would invite you to listen and to know our album directly from easy ways, like Or you can check on BP records.  To know something else, or to contact us or to wait the next share info here on our channels.  At now, just we enjoy if you can enjoy on our album. Just a pair of songs for your relax and our relax too, because we need, after this long period of badly seasons for anyone, we need of one moment of relax, we enjoy if you can have this relax too.  Here the cover album well done and by BP Records
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Pics of the 2021 of Marco Esu

 I would like to share some pics for this season, after this long summer and here we are to share something.  Let's share

Presentation of Ivana and Orchestra as concert and album too.

After some years, this month we write to make the presentation of our Artist friend Ivana Marija Vidovic, to let know something of her and all about any change on channels and to give new informations around her art-works and channels as we told. First all, its near the new collaboration between the Artist and Blue Pie Records from Australia/USA, to release a new album EP of classical music, with Piano and Orchestra, working to have "Ivana'N'Orchestra" as album and to share the new release album from Ivana, playing piano in orchestra, all is the best as quality and to share always culture and music, art and history of classical compositions. How she touching piano on the album... we can say, like a dream's. To know some information about the album (like an EP as album), you have to look for "IVANA'N'ORCHESTRA", last years, we had time to work for the presentation with her English name version too, this year, we working to make a present...

Some works around Art

How is myself? I'm as you see me in real or you see another one.

I'm like my Art

Marco Esu - 2019

I would like to share my pics of this 2019... to let you see how much I chaning year by year...  I have to manage this blog, to add information and to leave very old information.  Now, always I working for my official channels and Magazine too. I hope to be ready to manage anything here too and to share all the best from me for you. 

Marco Esu - photos 2017

Just to share some photos of Marco Esu - year 2017.